Monday, April 6, 2009


It was only yesterday that I stood at the balcony admiring the full bloom sakura. God..indeed it was a pretty sight. Today was another beautiful day, bright, sunny, clear blue sky with the wind blowing but I feel sad looking at the sakura petals falling to the ground. In a few days time all the flowers will be gone and god's willing, Insyaallah will be able to see Sakura again next year. Thank God, we had a wonderful sakura picnic at Shinjuku Park and everyone had a good time. Sakura oh sakura...soon to be missed.


  1. huhuhu sedih kak ek... tgk bunga sakura berguguran ek...xpe xpe..klu sedih tgk sama itu gambar yg kita foya2 itu...

  2. sobsobsobssssssssss....aku lagi sedih taux?
    langsong xdpt tgk sakura tu..
    sakuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....(ala2 jamal abdilah panggil azura)jangan tinggal daku... :)
