Salam dan selamat pagi semua dan semoga semuanya selamat sejahtera hendaknya. Insyaallah, Amin.
Today, I would like to share a very easy recipe. This cake is so easy to make and a delight to have for tea or at anytime. Unfortunately people with nuts allergy will not be able to enjoy this cake as there's almond in it. Here's the recipe:-
220 gm caster sugar
grated zest of 1 orange (kalau takde orange pakai lemon pun boleh)
150 gm flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp salt
70 gm almond powder
130 gm greek yogurt
3 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
80 ml vegetable oil
50 gm butter (melted)
1. In a bowl, add sugar and orange zest and rub with your hands until all combined.
2. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and add almond powder and sugar mixture. Mix well and set aside.
3. In a separate bowl, add eggs, yogurt and vanilla essence and whisk until fully incorporated and add the dry ingredients and whisk until all ingredients are fully combined.
4. Add the melted butter and vegetable oil and mix well.
5. Pour onto a prepared 20 cm round baking tin and bake in a preheated oven 170C for 40-45 minutes or until skewer tester comes out clean. Bake further 5-10 minutes if necessary.
6. Cool completely on a wire rack.
p/s Dust icing sugar on the cake if you like before serving.