Thursday, April 30, 2009

Showa Day, April 29

It was a public holiday yesterday. April 29, Japanese annual holiday - Showa Day. It honors the birthday of Emperor Showa (Hirohito) the reigning Emperor before, during and after World War II. I like this part.... the official purpose of the holiday is "To reflect on Japan's Showa period when recovery was made after turbulent days and to think of the country's future.

Indeed it was another beautiful day, kids were all at school, Mai left for her new role as Tourist Guide and it was just the two of us. Went to drop off my samplings at Seisen and dropped by at Meena's. Upon reaching home at noon, my other half was already feeling hungry and we decided to go out for food. I guess after the few days turbulence it must have reflected on my Showa...hahahahahaha perhaps trying to butter me...we had nice lunch at Tokyo Midtown at one of his favourite spot... Tokyo Union Square.
his lunch, crab meat burger
fish for me

On the way home, passed by the Bento shop that the kids loved and got some for them....selamat tak payah masak for the kids.

When the kids got home from school, mummy gave them a treat and it was ice-cream for princess and the other two opted for Choc. Chip Waffle. Unbelievable...the que was so long for Baskin but being Princess...she doesnt care as long as she gets what she wants.

the que for ice-cream was so long...flooded till outside

comelkan van yang jual waffle ni..
i bought some of these too yesterday, got italian parsley, basil, thyme and rosemary...senang kan bila nak pakai petik je kat luar tak payah beli kat supermarket.

This was our dinner last nite, one pan meal...i just dumped everything and put in the oven.
Baked chicken with rosemary and vegetables

1 comment:

  1. sedap bake chicken with rosemary kak nita ni...kak susi dah terer dah buat..
    tq kak nita...mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...yummmyyyyy..
